Friday, May 11, 2012


This week we have been studying Butterflies.  We've had some pretty cool crafts this week and a very neat caterpillar experiment :-)

 We made caterpillars our of egg cartons, paint, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners.  We also painted egg cartons to make the chrysalis that you can see in the last pictures below.

 This is our caterpillar experiment.  We ordered our caterpillar larva and when they came they were tiny but in a short amount of time grew bigger and then grew into chrysalises.  Now we've pinned them to our butterfly habitat so hopefully in 7-10 days we will have butterflies!

 You can see that we glued paper eggs on a leaf to signify the first stage of a butterfly's life, then we used our painted caterpillar for the second stage or larva stage, the painted chrysalis was used for the third stage or pupa stage, and we water colored our butterflies for the last stage or adult stage of the butterfly.
We really enjoyed this unit!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Well, it looks like we will be doing school through the middle of June,  blah!  Our current unit has been on jewels and today the boys made necklaces.  I got some pretty fun pictures of this!  We used pipe cleaners and little strips of aluminum foil for our jewels.

 Charlie's face is priceless in this picture.  

I think they turned out pretty cute!  Very uncomfortable, but cute!